VERSE 1 1(E):I can't let you go(A):without me
1(E):And it hurts(A):that you can't believe me
1(E):The ^rain^ pours down(A):that's what it costs
1(E):p_a_i_n(A):^always has a ^price
CHORUS 2(C):The Rain- (A)can only turn this thing around
2(C):The rain- (A)just might make us drown
2(C):I need -(A)to feel alright and I it doesn't matter how -don't care
how (a)
1(E):There is a thing I know(A):called indifference
1(E):I can see it in your eyes(A):or is it just malice
1(E):It doesn't matter at all(A):what it costs, to feel you
1(E):p_a_i_n slow pain(A):always ___ has a price
2(C):The Rain- (A)can only turn this thing around
2(C):The rain- (A)can ^only^ make us drown
2(C):I need -(A)to feel alright and I it doesn't matter how -but I care
TRANS 3 (vocal tacit )
4(1) CD#...(high G) -I'll just never have my way (Octave/fifth harmony)
4(2) CD#...(low G) -but I can still smile (no harmony)
4(2) CD#...(high G) -I've seen much better days (Octave/fifth harmony)
4(2) CD#...(low E) -but not in while (no harmony)