The crickets unite
one by one
singing a chorus
over and over. Their song is one of introduction
even though the main
event is coming to an end. Playing a losing game of hide and go seek though
the nearer trees
the sun is diving for the distant horizon. He leaves
his azure domain
which will metamorphose into a royal carpet and later
an opaque void. A farewell flash of light dies as the king of the daytime
world retires to his chamber for an evening of relaxment only to rise early
the next day and wake the farm animals for a day's labor.
A wooded hill. Dan climbs the tree lined avenue.
The gravel road slips beneath him; rocks scattering on various crunching
footfalls and whispering strides. Twilight. The inclination beads a small
sweat on his forehead. Rolling breezes slide around. The path curls up
the hillside. Luna plays hide and seek among the various cloud banks.
The moon
truly a defiant one for Celine displays
her countenance for all to see in the presence of her dad
though she shines
more brightly in her own domain
takes the reigns of power agilely and
basks in the serenades of coyotes
dogs and wolves. A courageous suitor
appears before all others and tries to win the fair hand of the spirited
princess. He is soon joined by more
each accompanied by their apprentices
handmaidens and pages. Soon
the shier ones arrive
less adorned
but in
the same quest. The moon does not mind
for this is a game she
plays without end. How can her father find out? The king is sleeping; but
a parent knows to keep tabs on his daughter. They watch her flirting around
well-trodden paths with their high-powered telescopes.
As he watches the starrise
the clouds morphing
Dan sees a gust of wind as it first bows the tree tops at the crest of
the hill and bowls its way down the grove. He watches the wind. He smells
a crisp tart. The moon is full. The trees swoon. Dan sways. The leaves
crinkle. The clouds.
They form things. They shape changes. They are shaped
by changes subtle enough to bend a light. Emoting effervescent existencies.
Read what you like. Understand what you can
because they they will play
you. You will play yourself. Words will but do not think. Sometimes you
come out to feed
sometimes you are fed upon. Even though you seek a watering
where all manner of beasts come down to drink and declare neutral
the hunger goes on and on.
Sometimes the light so bright
you see yourself.
Even if in a different light.