When you meet the aliens
don't be afraid, they're just like us
I remember the first time
I was at Strangeways
and he walked in
and asked: "Job?"
I asked what 'cause my name is Jon
he said: you have Job here?
not here, but if you go next door
if it's not open walk around
back, tell them jon sent you
and he did. José looked like
he had just walked all the way
from Nicaraugua or Sandinista
wide eyed, no sleep
he got the job
he worked three at a time
brought his family out of hell
another friend who is gone now
wrote a song about him
we jammed on it, his name was John
another wrote a song
Chupacabra and got a phone
sample of José talking
about it
I still remember
he asked me if I remembered
I had to be reminded
but I still remembered
I still remember