Who is Fallen Rock? Who is Suzi Sioux?
It could be you. It could be me. It could be anyone.
What is the Ballad of Fallen Rock and Suzi Sioux?
It is a story of Life. It is a tale that will be told. It is a play inhabited by players who arrive, take a bow, do a little dance. The main theme is introduced in a four note motif, half falling, half rising. The emphasis becoming the ascension. This is life: it happens. O! Fortuna! For tunes; four tones. Mistakes are made or accidents happen and our true measure, our only redemption, is to rise above adversity and move onward. But enough about philosophy, let's meet the players.
Each Act is 23 minutes long.
Tonight We Ride
In the first movement, we meet Fallen Rock. Anyone. When I was young, we traveled a lot. When we drove through mountainous roads, there were signs of "Watch for Fallen Rock". My father would say that Fallen Rock was an Indian and that we had to look out for him, he might run across the road or push a boulder from the cliffs above, so we had to be careful. I would always watch for Fallen Rock. This is his song.
One Way Through
This is the song of Suzi Sioux. The second movement and yet the third song, the Dance of Life, indeed. Are there lies? Only the telling of the tale will reveal the truth.
From the miasma of happenstance, conditions align for conjunction.
The Ballad ...
boy meets girl
Transmission Received
Life Happens.
Not always as we expect it, not even as we perceive it. The only thing constant is change. The evolution of events necesitate a revolution, darling, of experience. Sometimes progress is caught in the inertia of the past, but children provide a door to the future. The reality of existence is often in shadows and only illumination will bring fulfillment of a dream, the Dance of Life.
Release Me
What is the Dream? Is the friend that is a girl a girlfriend? Is the boy that is a friend a boyfriend? If there is a person then anyone else is an other, another person. Any time a one and an other situation is existant, there is the possibility of an 'Us vs. Them' schism. We need to be released from this predetermination. These verses absolve the yearning of the Dream. Time passes, yet some things are still the same. We are all friends. What is the Dream? We are all the same.
Coda (the Road)
We leave on the road. Boy met girl, life happened. But what was that? An accident? A mistake? Act I comes to a close. The road is ahead. We are always on the road. Whenever we leave someplace, we arrive at another.